UC Modern Feminist Society

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Intersectional where? Intersectional here.Do you believe in equal opportunities and rights for people regardless of their gender? Congratulations you are a feminist. Who really benefits from feminism to advocate for equality and intersectionality? Everybody. Feminism as with any other movement has its shortcomings. However, to argue that feminism is unnecessary is ignorant of the persistent social divides and issues that need to be addressed. Feminism encompasses everyone regardless of their gender, religion, ethnicity, sexuality etc because the patriarchal structures in place affect us all. All too often we hear oh that doesn’t happen in New Zealand but we have a “casual” racism pandemic with no accountability. Sexual assault is rife and the “rape culture” mentality on campus and in the wider New Zealand context is astounding. All you need to do is read some of the UCSA noticeboard posts to see this. Feminism is about birth control, removing the gender binary, supporting marginalised communities, the disabled community, preventing gender based violence and so much more. We want anyone who wants to make a change, call out behaviour on campus and help support initiatives that break down structures that benefit no-one. We have lots of events planned next year like a trauma workshop, pink ribbon fundraiser, cabaret show and more so stay tuned.