How to Invoice Anyone who receives income will ordinarily need to do this by raising an invoice for their customer to pay. Many...
Club Bank Account Setting up a bank account is a crucial part of operating your club/society as all monies are processed here. The...
Club Accounts It is important to keep your clubs funds in order. The club’s treasurer will make sure information is recorded correctly...
Sponsorship Research potential sponsors Create a wish list of who you might want to sponsor your club/event. Keeping in mind the...
Fundraising Fundraising ideas are endless but it’s important to come up with something unique and worthwhile for your club. Some ideas...
Completing your Grant Reconciliation Process So you’ve been awarded a grant application – fantastic! Here is how you go about completing your reconciliation. General Tips...
Financial Statements In order to be able to run a club successfully, it’s important that you keep track of your finances. As...