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  3. Completing your Grant Reconciliation Process

Completing your Grant Reconciliation Process

So you’ve been awarded a grant application – fantastic! Here is how you go about completing your reconciliation.

General Tips

  • We need to be able to show every step of the process from the money leaving our bank account to the money being spent in the way that is specified in the grant application.
  • This means if your club exec buys it on their personal card and you reimburse them, they will need to supply their personal bank statement as well as you supplying the club bank account.
  • For this reason please try to avoid buying grant items on your personal cards and reimbursing. It makes the auditing process very difficult. Ideally, everything should be purchased using an invoice and internet banking.
  • Screenshots of a mobile banking app are not acceptable proof of the bank statement.

The Process

If the Club Paid for the Expense

Please supply the following:

  1. The invoice or receipt provided by the supplier
  2. A copy of the club bank statement showing the payment made to the supplier

If you cannot provide both, then the grant award will be voided and you will be required to return the grant funds to us.

If Someone Else Paid the Supplier, and the Club Reimbursed them

Please supply the following:

  1. The invoice or receipt provided by the supplier
  2. A copy of the bank statement of the person who paid for the expense showing the payment to the supplier, and the reimbursement payment from the club
  3. A copy of the bank statement of the club showing the reimbursement payment to the supplier.

If you cannot provide all three, then the grant award will be voided and you will be required to return the grant funds to us.

To complete your Grant Reconciliation Process, simply login to your MSL club page and click on the Grant application that had been approved. The Reconciliation process is now avaliable to complete on that applicaiton.  

Acceptable Evidence

Invoices or Receipts

For the invoice or receipt to be acceptable proof, it must be either be a tax invoice that you paid on via bank transfer, or a GST Receipt if the transaction was put through on a card. These should each have a unique invoice number or transaction ID. If these are charging GST these must include the supplier’s GST number. We need a receipt for each and everything thing the grant funds were spent on, even if the products are identical.

The following are not acceptable:

  • Screenshots of an online store, order summary, or any other part of the order process prior to the order being placed.
  • Any document prepared by the club as evidence – e.g. a word document summarising what was spent.
  • Multiple copies of the same receipt because the items were identical.

If you are unsure, contact before processing payment, and we can assist.

Bank Statements

We can only pay grant funds into an organisational bank account held in the name of the club. This means we cannot pay into any form of personal or joint account, even if this is solely used for club purposes. If you are unsure about your banking setup, please contact

The most accurate and preferred evidence of the bank statement is an actual bank statement supplied by the bank. If this is not available due to the transaction being more recent than your most recent statement, then you must export your transactions from the desktop internet banking website.

This can be done by logging into your online banking, opening up the bank account, and exporting your transactions, selecting PDF as the export format.

Bank Specific Instructions

The following are not acceptable:

  • Any form of mobile banking screenshot.
  • A CSV export.
  • Handwritten documents.
Updated on April 21, 2023
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