• Running a Safe Event

    The UCSA is committed to supporting affiliated clubs so that they can provide and maintain safe and healthy environments for their members. This Health & Safety Manual contains helpful information, templates and guidelines for UCSA clubs. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the information contained, and apply it…

  • Event Inductions

    An event induction is essentially an event briefing that outlines what the key risks and hazards are, how you plan to manage them, and what processes your attendees, staff, contractors, volunteers need to follow if an incident occurs. Keep your event attendees informed You can inducted your event attendees or…

  • Contractor Management

    There may be occasions where you need to engage a contractor (fencing, scaffolding, builders, lighting/production etc.) to carry out work or provide a service for your club. Managing them is relatively straight forward. Contractors Duties Clubs Duties

  • Risk Assessment & Hazard Management

    Regardless of where your event is held, you are responsible for managing your hazards through risk assessment. Part of managing your hazards is to complete a Hazard Risk Assessment and Management Form before the event starts. A Hazard Risk Assessment and Management Form documents hazards and the risks they pose…

  • Accidents & Incidents

    What is an Accident? An accident is an unplanned event that results in injury, illness, or damage. Accidents or illnesses that require the person to be admitted to hospital are considered “Notifiable Incidents”. If a notifiable incident occurs, WorkSafe NZ and the UCSA must be notified as soon as possible….

  • Near Misses

    What is a Near Miss? A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage. What do I need to do…