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Accidents & Incidents

What is an Accident?

An accident is an unplanned event that results in injury, illness, or damage.

Accidents or illnesses that require the person to be admitted to hospital are considered “Notifiable Incidents”. If a notifiable incident occurs, WorkSafe NZ and the UCSA must be notified as soon as possible.

What do we need to do if an Accident occurs at my event?

When an incident or accident occurs to a club member or any other person on site of a Club-run event or activity, you must follow the procedure documented below:

  • If the incident is serious, 111 must be called immediately, followed by UC Security if on campus. During the Health Centre opening hours, they should also be contacted. The localised First Aider is then notified so they can provide immediate treatment.
  • Once appropriate treatment has been given and an Incident/Accident Report Form is completed as soon as possible by the Event Lead.
  • If an incident/accident or illness occurs that requires, or would usually require, the person to be admitted to hospital for immediate treatment, then the UCSA Head of Student Engagement must be notified immediately.  The UCSA will assist you with the process of notifying Worksafe NZ as this is considered a Notifiable Incident.
  • The UCSA Events Team will work with you complete an Accident Investigation Form.
  • UCSA works closely with UC to manage health and safety, and so will be in contact with UC to discuss this particular circumstance.
Updated on January 12, 2024

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