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  3. Running Events on Campus

Running Events on Campus

Now that your club is up and running, it’s time to start hosting events! Remember it is all about planning in advance. Familiarise yourself with the information listed here. 

As an affiliated club you not only have access to the UCSA facilities to host your events, but you also have access to the wide array of space available on UC campus, for free! As an affiliated club you have access to almost any room on Ilam and Dovedale campus as well as cordoning off space such as C-Block lawn!

Please see below how to the process to book it!

IMPORTANT: Clubs are not to contact the UC bookings team directly! All booking inquiries must come through to Any inquiries to UC Bookings will just be diverted back to UCSA, slowing down your application.

Events on Campus  

All events* held on campus require your club to submit an event notification form (ENF) and a Hazard Risk Assessment (the links to these forms can be found below).

What event requires an ENF? Basically, any and every club event that occurs on campus!

If you’re looking for space on campus, such as lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, Undercroft, or basically any space across the river from the UCSA or in Dovedale campus, we can assist! First thing’s first, deciding where and when your event takes place.

  1. What space do you want to use? If you already know exactly where you want to go, move on to step 2. If you are unsure, here is a helpful database of all the bookable rooms on campus, showing capacity limits, what type of AV it has equipped, and also photos of the rooms to see if it fits your event!
    UC Rooms.
  2. Check availability – you can do any of the following: choose your date and move on to step 3 or send an email to and we can check availability for you!
  3. Complete Your ENF.

ENF (Event Notification Form)

Fill out this form with as much information as possible. BE HONEST, let us know exactly what you plan on doing, how many people, and the correct timeframe. To complete the form you will also need to upload a Hazard Risk Assessment.

Hazard Risk Assessment

Attached is the Hazard Risk Assessment exemplar with plethora of risks that are related to a variety of events. You will need to include all the risks highlighted in yellow as they are considered mandatory for all events. Please also include any other risk that may be related to your event. For example, if you are intending on hosting food at your event, please include the risk Catering.

Once you’ve done that, fill in your details and upload it to the ENF link above.

Hazzard Risk Assessment Form.

Other things to consider:

  • Do you need any equipment? PA, tables, lighting? Fill out the equipment form.
  • Have you put it on the UCSA events calendar
  • Have you got free food or drink giveaways on campus? Please send a separate short email detailing time, date, and quantity of giveaways to this is passed along to our food and beverage team.
  • Feel free to email and request a meeting at any stage throughout the process. We are here and happy to help in any way.


Please be warned. UC Bookings requires that all event notification forms are to be submitted to them, through us, minimum THREE WEEKS before your event takes place. If you submit a form within that three-week period, they will not be able to guarantee approval on time. Anything that is less than a week will not be processed.


Security must be aware, as the university must sign off on all on campus activities. Planning is essential with all events, including checking out your potential site. Where is your event going to be? Is there power? Can you get vehicle access? Is there any extra equipment that you might need? 

Make a time to come in and see the Clubs Co-ordinator who can run you through the process, connect you to the UCSA Events Team and help you get started. 

UC have a number of policies that will directly influence whether your event is viable. These are found on the University website, and it’s strongly recommended that you are familiar with them! 

*Events on campus exclude events in UCSA Venues. 

Booking in Haere Roa

The UCSA has it’s own separate booking system and procedure to UC. Any requests for the Haere-roa building using the above procedure will NOT be processed.

To book a room in Haere Roa please use this form here.

For more information on running events in the Haere-roa please follow the link here: Running Events in Haere-roa – UCSA Clubs Knowledge Base

If you have any additional questions, queries or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to!

Updated on April 10, 2024
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